Blog | SubscriberVerify

Commercial SMS Message Delivery Fees: The Hidden Costs and Solutions

Written by SV | Jul 13, 2023 8:33:11 PM

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various aspects of sms carrier cost and the solutions available to address these issues, including mobile number verification tools/platforms that can help you save on carrier fees.

SMS Carrier Rates: The Hidden Challenge for SMS Marketers

SMS carrier rates are the fees charged by mobile carriers for sending commercial text messages. These rates vary depending on the country and carrier, and can significantly impact the overall cost of your SMS marketing campaigns.

High Cost of Undelivered Messages

One major concern for SMS marketers is the fact that carriers charge for commercial text messages, regardless of whether they are delivered or not. In fact, carriers charge for undelivered messages as high as 20% of the total messages sent. This means that if you are sending a large volume of messages, a significant portion of your marketing budget could be wasted on undelivered messages.

SMS Delivery Issues

There are several factors that can lead to sms delivery issues. Some of the common reasons include:

  • Deactivated, suspended, or inactive phone numbers
  • Invalid or unreachable phone numbers
  • Carrier-specific delivery issues, such as network congestion or spam filtering

To address these issues and minimize the cost of undelivered messages, SMS marketers need to focus on improving the quality of their phone number lists and ensuring accurate mobile number verification.

Mobile Number Verification: A Solution to Saving Carrier Fees

Using a mobile number verification tool/platform can help you save on carrier fees by removing deactivated, suspended, inactive, invalid, and/or unreachable numbers from your phone number list. Most clients can immediately save between 5% – 15% of their sending costs each month by implementing mobile number verification.

Real-Time Carrier Lookup Service

A real-time carrier lookup service can identify the carrier of a phone number, which can be useful when you are sending text messages to a specific carrier. This can help you optimize your campaign targeting and reduce carrier fees.

Ported Numbers

SubscriberVerify is an example of a mobile number verification platform that identifies phone numbers ported to another carrier with a new carrier id/name. This can help you ensure accurate delivery and prevent potential issues with ported numbers.

Blacklisted Numbers

A mobile number verification platform can also help you maintain an internal blacklist of known industry complainers. These are individuals who have a history of reporting commercial text messages as spam, resulting in potential fines and penalties for the sender. By removing these blacklisted numbers from your list, you can minimize the risk of TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) violations and improve your overall campaign performance.

Implementing Mobile Number Verification: API and CSV Tools

Mobile number verification platforms typically offer API and CSV tools to make it easy for you to integrate their services into your existing marketing workflows.

API Integration

API integration allows you to perform real-time lookups and validate phone numbers as they are added to your database. This can help you maintain an up-to-date and accurate list of phone numbers for your marketing campaigns.

CSV Uploads

CSV uploads enable you to bulk verify phone numbers by uploading a CSV file containing your list of contacts. The platform will then process the file and provide you with a cleaned and verified list of phone numbers.

Test Drive and Pricing Option

Many mobile number verification platforms offer a test drive option to allow you to evaluate their data, user interface, and API. For example, SubscriberVerify offers 50,000 lookups for $18, with additional credits available for purchase through your dashboard. Volume discounts may also be available for larger clients.

Best Practices for SMS Marketing with Mobile Number Verification

By implementing mobile number verification into your SMS marketing strategy, you can improve the quality of your phone number list and save on carrier fees. Below are some best practices to consider:

  • Opt-in phone contacts: Always obtain permission from your recipients before sending them commercial text messages. This can help you build trust and reduce the likelihood of spam complaints.
  • Regularly update your phone number list: Use a mobile number verification tool/platform to regularly clean and update your phone number list. This can help you maintain an accurate list and minimize the cost of undelivered messages.
  • Segment your audience: Use segmentation to tailor your messages to specific groups of people based on factors such as demographics or customer behavior.
  • Send messages at convenient times for users: Determine the best time to send your SMS campaigns, taking into account factors such as time zones and typical user behavior.
  • Monitor campaign performance: Track key performance metrics, such as delivery rate, open rate, and click-through rate, to identify any issues and optimize your campaigns.

The Importance of Mobile Number Verification in SMS Marketing

In the competitive world of SMS marketing, it is crucial to optimize your campaigns for maximum efficiency and minimize the hidden costs associated with sms carrier rates and sms delivery issues. By implementing a mobile number verification tool/platform, you can save on carrier fees, improve the quality of your phone number list, and ultimately enhance the overall performance of your SMS marketing campaigns.

Don’t let sms carrier cost and sms delivery issues undermine the success of your marketing efforts. Invest in a mobile number verification platform today and unlock the full potential of your SMS marketing campaigns.