With its high open rates and quick delivery, SMS marketing can offer an impressive return on investment (ROI). However, to truly maximize ROI, it’s essential for businesses to employ effective strategies to reduce SMS...
SMS Legacy Data: See How One Client Saved Over $12K/YR

One of our clients aggregated 1.7mm mobile numbers for the past two years. During this time, this client sent recurring text messages to the same phone numbers several times a month.
By using SubscriberVerify, the client identified over 100,000 phone numbers as deactivated, meaning that these numbers did not receive the sent text messages.
It costs the client $0.0035 to send each message. With three messages a month sent to deactivated numbers, the client is saving around $12,600 a year!
Want to find out how to save 5-15% of your carrier costs? Come over to www.SusbcriberVerify.com or send us a note at support@subscriberverify.com.
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